
Support the Cause...Not the Tata's

Are you wondering what's with the colour status updates on facebook? I was wondering too, and so I went to the only logical source to find out this kinda of information...twitter.

My tweeple were in fact discussing the odd facebook trend and just as I suspected, there was a reason for the red, whites and blacks taking over my news feed. As it turns out, the ladies of facebook were sharing what colour their girls were wearing today in support of breast cancer awareness.

I couldn't wait to play. Who can resist a facebook status game? But imagine my disappointment when I remembered that my girls were only wearing their birthday suits. Now what do I do? Lie? Run and put a bra on?

So I started thinking, why wasn't I wearing a bra anyway? Well, because I am home for one thing and no one else is here, and because wearing bras too much is not good for our boobies.

"Oh Angela, come on, what on earth are you talking about now?"

Well, I watched a doctor on TV explain once how unnatural bras really are, and how they are starting to link this to breast cancer. Now believe me, I get sick of all the cancer causing talks as much as the next person, but for once this actually made sense to me.

Our boobies are naturally made to hang free off the body, unconfined. At some point someone, probably a man, decided that they would look better harnessed and pushed up. Over time the degree of the push up has increased dramatically causing our girls to be pulled, pushed and tucked to new unnatural angles and positions that cause unnecessary aggravation deep inside our feminine tissues.

Now please, do not get me wrong, I do wear bras and do believe that have their place. But did you know some ladies will not even take theirs off for sleeping? Could you imagine wearing bras for 23 hours a day? (assuming they take it off to shower) That is a lot of confinement for such a sensitive area of our bodies, and if this is something that you subject your tata's to night after night I plead with you to TAKE IT OFF. It all goes back to the 'too much of anything is bad for you' and 'Moderation is key' and 'balance' theories. These life tactics go for EVERYTHING, including bra wearage.

When I come home my bra comes off. I will literally take off my shoes, coat and bra as I enter the door. I might put it back on if you come to visit me, it just depends who you are. A lot of people think I am crazy to walk around braless in my own house, I'm not sure why though. I wish more women would try taking their bras off when they really don't need them on.

So what did I decide to do about my facebook status?

I decided that since these colours were meant for breast cancer awareness, the best supportive choice was to simply write "none" as my status colour and I am not afraid to tell the world why.


  1. I put "nude" on mine....I don't wear bras very often either...when I am just sitting at home that is. More comfy. ;-)

  2. Love it--you sound like me--I take off my bra about as soon as I hit the door too!!
